how much does stem cell therapy cost?
Dr. Atluri
Dr. Atluri

Dr. Atluri is a pioneer of stem cell research. He has helped hundreds of patients in his stem cell clinic in Cincinnati, OH and has over 10+ years experience with extensive stem cell research.

Table of Contents

How Much Does Stem Cell Therapy Cost?

Stem cell therapy has been growing in popularity over the past decade as many people are seeking alternative health remedies to their knee, back, and joint pain.

With this new influx of interest, many people are wondering what it costs to get started with stem cell therapy.

The price of a stem cell procedure can vary depending on:

  • what procedure you’re receiving
  • who does your procedure
  • where your procedure is done

On average, the cost of a stem cell transplant procedure ranges from $4,000 to $10,000.

In Cincinnati, where StemCures is located, our average procedure costs $4,000 – $6,000. area.

Our procedures help treat and fix:

stem cell therapy for lower back pain

stem cell therapy for knee pain

as well as neck pain, and osteoarthritis pain.

The Cost of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy cost can be influenced by numerous factors:

1. The type of stem cells you receive
2. Where your treatment will take place
3. If the stem cells are ethically sourced
4. What city/country you chose to have your procedure done.

It is important to note that the cost of stem cell therapy will vary depending on what you need. For example, a stem cell treatment for knee or back pain might be different than treating chronic diseases or if the procedure requires more stem cells than targeting a specific region. 

Stem cell therapy cost can range anywhere between $5000 – $50,000. This price can vary on your situation and your procedure.  Every patient should do their own research and ask as many questions as they can before committing to stem cell treatment. Make sure to know how many stem cells you are receiving, where those stem cells came from, if they have been ethically sourced, and is the stem cell clinic is regulated. When considering stem cell treatment, you should not only be factoring in cost, but weighing these other important factors when determining the best clinic for your procedure.

Does Insurance Cover Stem Cell Therapy?

As stem cell therapy is still a relatively new practice, it is has not been approved by the FDA.  Thus, insurance does not cover stem cell therapy.

Although your insurance will not cover the procedure, your insurance may be able to cover the initial consultation with your stem cell specialist.

Contact your insurance, you may have nothing to lose!

Does Medicare Cover Stem Cell Therapy?

For certain stem cell procedures, medicare will cover most of the cost.

However, these procedures that are covered are more rare among patients.

The only FDA-approved procedures are for:

  • cancers
  • blood disorders
  • immune system disorders

For other stem cell procedures to relieve pain and osteoarthritis relief, medicare does not cover these procedures.

What are Types of Stem Cells Being Administered?

There are a few different types of cells, these can be mainly broken down into the following categories:
1. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections
2. Birth tissues (umbilical cord blood or amniotic fluid)
3. Adipose tissue or bone marrow

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is typically administered via site injections directly into the affected area. This can be performed on a same day and requires no cell expansion, as well for umbilical cord blood or adipose stem cells procedures which do not involve extracting any of those needed cells from patients at all–making them much less invasive than bone marrow extractions in some cases!

These treatments can range from $4000 – $8,000 in the United States. Adipose (fat) and Bone Marrow stem cell therapies are effective for certain orthopedic conditions but studies have shown that they’re not a viable treatment option due to lower potency cells count as well as potential risks with autoimmunity.


Who is Performing the Stem Cell Procedure?

 The stem cell therapy cost depends on who performs the treatment. There are a few different types of medical providers that may have the ability inject these cells, including Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants as well as Physician Specialists (or Medical Director).

Are Your Stem Cells Ethically Sourced?

Here at StemCures, we use your own stem cells for your stem cell treatment.  We believe it is the most safe, ethical method in performing stem cell therapy.

However, other clinics do not use your own stem cells and in fact, may not disclose where they receive their stem cells.  In other parts of the world such as Mexico and South America, these countries have lenient regulations than the U.S.

How Much do Stem Cell Injections Cost?

In our practice, we have seen a patients feel relief from their back pain for up to 5 years, and another patient had felt relief even after 12 years after their operation.
Since stem cell therapy is still a relatively new procedure, we do not know exactly how long this pain relief lasts, but we do know that it significantly alleviates pain.

How long do Stem Cell Injections Last

After surgery, it may take a week to fully feel the effect of stem cell therapy.  However, the results will last substantially longer than traditional surgeries.  You can expect years of pain relief from stem procedures.

For more about how long stem cell injection last, be sure to check out our article here.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

While insurance and medicare does not cover these procedures, that does not mean you shouldn’t consider stem cell treatment altogether.

In fact, stem cell therapy has shown to be a promising new alternative medicine to help treat and cure many diseases and symptoms.

Some of the main benefits of stem cell therapy are:

  • Effective at reducing pain.
  • Boosts movement and functionality
  • Minimal recovery times

Read more from about the benefits of stem cell therapy in our blog article.

Other Things to Consider for Stem Cell Therapy

1. Your Stem Cell Doctor’s Credibility

Unfortunately, in the last few years many “dubious” Stem Cell Clinics have opened up shop and taking advantage of desperate patients seeking pain relief. These clinics spend a lot of money advertising in newspapers and television to lure patients. The common theme of these clinics is that patients do not get the pain relief they were expecting. In unfortunate cases, some even have complications.

To help you save you from wasting your time, money, and even complications, thoroughly review and consider many different providers.

When looking for a stem cell specialist, allows consider the following:

  • Ensure your physician is well trained in spinal and joint injections and stem cell procedures.
  • Ensure your physician is using Fluoroscopic guidance to perform the procedure.
  • Ensure you are getting your OWN Bone Marrow Stem Cells.
  • Ensure stem cells are injected into your Discs and Joints.

Save your money and agony and make sure you consult with a legitimate clinic.

2. The Use of Bone Marrow Stem Cells

Only Bone Marrow Stem Cells are allowed by the FDA. There are a lot of studies showing their efficacy and safety. Properly trained and ethical physicians use only these cells. Since it requires special training and expertise to meticulously extract stem cells from bone marrow, most sham clinics use Amniotic or Umbilical cord stem cells. They can buy these stem cells off the shelf – it’s so much easier. Currently, there is not a single study in the medical literature showing the efficacy or safety of amniotic or umbilical cord stem cells. Additionally, they are not FDA approved. More importantly, Amniotic and Umbilical Stem Cells are not your cells. Bone Marrow Stem Cells are YOUR cells. If your cells can cure you, why would you want to use some else’s cells? Some clinics use Stem Cells derived from Fat. These are also not approved by the FDA. So, if the doctor wants to inject either Amniotic/Umbilical cord blood or Fat Stem Cells, thank them for their time and leave. To get the best value for the cost of stem cell treatment, make sure you only get Bone Marrow Stem Cells. 

3. The Use of Fluoroscopic Or Ultrasound Guidance To Inject Stem Cells

Pain relief from Stem Cells requires their precise placement in the painful areas of the spine. Numerous studies have shown that “blind injections” [without Fluoroscopic or Ultrasound guidance] even by experienced physicians often misses the mark. Missed target = no pain relief. It is impossible to inject some important structures in the back like discs and joints without using Fluoroscopy or ultrasound. So, Make sure fluoroscopic guidance is used to inject Stem Cells in the back. To get the best value for the cost of stem cell treatment, make sure Fluoroscopic or Ultrasonic guidance is used.

4. The Use of Stem Cells in Discs

Although muscles and ligament in the back can cause pain, the main culprit is the disc. This has been shown in many studies. If discs are not injected, the odds of pain relief are low. Studies have also shown that in addition to Discs, Facet Joints and Sacroiliac joints also cause back pain. Legitimate clinics inject disc mostly and sometimes include the above-mentioned joints as well. In fact, all the studies for stem cells in the back have been done only on discs. Sham clinics usually inject muscles and ligaments, ignoring discs which is the main pain generator. They do not like to inject discs because it is technically challenging and requires a lot of training and expertise. To get the best results for joint pain, bones which make up the joint will have to be injected. This also requires special training and expertise. To get the best value for the cost of stem cell treatment, make sure your discs and joint bones are injected.

5. The Experience & Qualifications of Your Physician

Most of the sham clinics have physicians who are not board certified or specialized in spine care. Only physicians trained in spine and joints should be injecting stem cells in the spine and joints. Precise placement of the needle in the disc safely is technically challenging.  Discitis is a known complication from this procedure. Although rare, it is a serious complication. Every attempt should be made by the physician to prevent it. Timely diagnosis and treatment are key for recovery. So its imperative that a well trained and qualified physician is performing the procedure. To get the best value for the cost of stem cell treatment, make sure the physician is well trained and qualified to do spinal procedures.

Final Thoughts

At StemCures, Dr. Atluri uses your own bone marrow stem cells to inject mostly discs under fluoroscopic guidance. Dr. Alturi is one of the only physicians in the area injecting the joint bones to get the best results. Dr. Atluri is the only physician in the area who is certified by ASIPP in regenerative medicine. He has been performing spinal procedures for more than 20 years. This results in better patient care and excellent outcomes.

At StemCures, we pride ourselves in delivering quality care and real results to our patients.  

Listen to our patient’s reviews on the success and pain relief they’ve experienced with stem cell therapy.

Also, follow our YouTube channel to hear more client testimonials, information on our procedures, and more!

In Need of Pain Relief?

Please fill out the following contact form to see if you are a good candidate for our approved stem cell procedure

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